Welcome to Sphere - Osteopathy and Sports Massage in Blackheath, South London

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Osteopathy in Blackheath, South-East London


Babies and Children

Treatment for Babies and Children

We provide osteopathic treatment including for babies and children of all ages at our Blackheath clinic, including both structural osteopathy and cranial osteopathy. Booking is quick and simple using our online system. There are no long wait times and you can usually see one of our osteopaths within 24-48 hours of making an appointment.

We are experienced in treating patients of all ages for a wide range of problems. We’re here to help – if you would like to discuss your child’s symptoms and whether osteopathy can help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Osteopath treating a child
We treat babies and children of all ages

Musculoskeletal Treatment in Children and Adolescents

Osteopath treating a child
There are many reasons children may need treatment

There are a wide range of conditions and symptoms which can be treated with osteopathy in young people. These may be simple musculoskeletal issues or generalised aches and pains caused by changes in the child’s body as they grow, and we are able to provide a full biomechanical assessment, improve alignment of the musculoskeletal system and help the child to continue to grow safely and without pain.

Many children and young people also suffer from sporting injuries. We provide a full Blackheath sports injury clinic service and are able to provide treatment to children and young people of all ages to reduce pain and aid the healing process to get back into their chosen sport as quickly as possible. In the case of more serious sporting injuries (i.e. which require hospital treatment) we are able to help with a bespoke rehabilitation and reloading programme to rehabilitate the affected area and get your child safely active again at an appropriate pace.


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5 stars

Postural Issues in Adolescents

Increasing smartphone and screen usage means that osteopaths are increasingly treating adolescents for postural issues and back pain. If your adolescent child has poor posture or is experiencing postural difficulties, this is something we can examine and redress before it becomes a serious problem.

Osteopaths are experts in spinal and joint alignment and are able to use direct spinal manipulation and other physical therapy techniques to realign the spine and regain a healthy posture. We can also help coach and train your child to maintain a healthy posture and educate them in sitting / standing etc. in the way that will help them to stand tall and avoid future issues, and provide advice on lifestyle factors such as the best chair, mattress, shoes, etc.

Child using laptop with very poor posture
Laptop and smartphone usage is increasingly leading to postural issues

Chronic and Underlying Conditions

Osteopath treating a child
Children may also suffer from chronic conditions

Children and young people also occasionally suffer from chronic conditions in the same way as adults. These may be reasonably transient conditions such as sciatica or headaches, or more serious conditions such as scoliosis or torticollis. Some conditions are also unique to children and adolescents, such as Osgood-Schlatter disease. We can help many conditions with osteopathy. Depending on the nature and severity of the condition we may be able to treat the problem directly – as in the case of sciatica – or help to manage the physical effects of the condition, reduce pain and increase mobility as far as possible – as in an idiopathic scoliosis or fibromyalgia.

Some chronic conditions can also have an unexpected effect on posture and mobility. Children with asthma, for example, may grow up with postural issues caused by rolling the shoulders forward to breathe more easily, causing a chain reaction in the musculoskeletal system leading to poor posture. We are able to assess and diagnose biomechanical issues caused by any other issues your child may be suffering from, and provide treatment to mitigate the physical effects of other chronic problems.

Cranial Osteopathy and Babies

We offer cranial osteopathy in Blackheath which is a popular treatment for babies. Cranial osteopathy is a very subtle treatment which uses touch to calm and rebalance the nervous system. Many people find this to be a highly effective treatment for unsettled babies, and whilst it does not provide a direct treatment for issues such as colic and reflux, the calming effects are often found to have a positive benefit in the management of these kinds of issues. Please contact us to discuss what conditions in babies can be improved with cranial osteopathy, or see our cranial osteopathy page.

Osteopath treating a baby
Cranial osteopathy is a popular treatment for babies

Osteopathic Training and Children and Babies

Treatment at Our Blackheath Clinic

Osteopath treating a child
We are a welcoming family clinic

We are a welcoming family clinic and are here to help. If you have any questions about our treatments and how osteopathy can help your child, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be more than happy to discuss.

Booking is easy with our online system. There are no long wait times and you can usually see one of our osteopaths within 24-48 hours of making your appointment.

Please note that all paediatric patients must be accompanied by an appropriate adult for the duration of their appointment.

Niro Sriskandarajah, Osteopath

Medical Review

The information on this page has been reviewed for accuracy by Nirosan Sriskandarajah MOst, osteopath and clinical director of Sphere Osteopathic Clinic.