Welcome to Sphere - Osteopathy and Sports Massage in Blackheath, South London

In Partnership with Healthwise




Osteopathy in Blackheath, South-East London


Sports Massage

Sports Massage in Blackheath

Not just for sportspeople, sports massage can help to release tight and sore muscles, promote healing and help you to avoid further injury in future.

We are a welcoming family clinic offering sports massage in blackheath alongside osteopathic treatments including osteopathy, cranial osteopathy and dry needling. We treat a range of conditions including neck pain, knee pain, shoulder pain and more, and offer full back pain clinic and sports injury clinic services in Blackheath.

Booking an appointment is easy using our online system, and if you have any questions simply contact us and we will be happy to help.

Osteopath treating female patient
We offer sports massage in South East London

What Is Sports Massage?

Osteopath treating male patient
Sports massage releases muscle tension and improves performance

Sports massage is a broad term that describes an approach to massage designed for a therapeutic effect on sore or tired muscles. It differs from a spa-style massage in that the aim is usually to target specific problems or pain points in the body for the purposes of reducing pain or for improving performance, rather than simply to have a relaxing massage.

Sports massage can use a variety of different massage techniques depending on the practitioner and on the person receiving the massage. The practitioner will tailor the massage to your own particular needs, so for example if you are a runner with sore legs the massage might focus only on the legs, or if you have a sore back the practitioner will focus on releasing these tight muscles.

It is also possible to combine sports massage and osteopathic treatment and/or dry needling. At your first appointment, your practitioner will explain the best treatments for your particular needs and goals.

Our Treatments

Some of the Treatments We Have Available

What Are the Benefits of Sports Massage?

There are several benefits to sports massage, whether or not you participate in sports. Sports massage relaxes and improves blood flow to muscles, leading to better healing, better relaxation, and greater range of motion and flexibility. This can help to prevent you becoming injured or suffering other aches and pains, allow your muscles to function more efficiently leading to better performance, and promote an overall sense of wellbeing and relaxation that can help with sleep, stress, and improved performance both physically and mentally.

Sports massage also helps with trigger points, also called muscle “knots”. These are highly localised areas of tightness which may be sore to touch and which can reduce muscle function and make you more susceptible to future injury. An experienced practitioner is able to detect muscle knots through palpation, and know where and how to perform massage techniques to release the knot. Dry needling can also be very effective in treating trigger points.

Woman running on trail
Sports massage can make you less susceptible to injury

When to Have a Sports Massage

There is no hard rule for when is best to have a sports massage. Some athletes prefer to have a sports massage a day or two after an event or vigorous training session, whilst some will prefer to have massage prior to intensive training. Some people prefer to have sports massage on an ad-hoc basis – so booking a session once they feel they are experiencing muscle tightness that needs treatment – whilst some people find a regular appointment is more beneficial to their overall health and wellbeing.

The best rule is to experiment, listen to your body and to any advice your therapist has to offer. If you would like to discuss further what might be the best approach for you, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Osteopath discussing with patient
Your therapist can advise on when and how often to have a sports massage

Our Osteopaths

30 years combined experience in physical therapy and wellbeing

Our skilled and experienced practitioners take a person-centred approach and are dedicated to helping you back to full health, whatever your age, activity level or health goals. Our osteopaths are fully registered with the General Osteopathic Council and Institute of Osteopathy.

What Techniques Are Used in Sports Massage?

Sports Massage in Blackheath

Appointment written on calendar
Book an appointment easily online

We are a welcoming family clinic in Blackheath, South East London, offering sports massage alongside other treatments including osteopathy, cranial osteopathy and dry needling. We treat the whole family, including children and young people, and can help with a range of conditions including back pain, sports injuries, neck pain and knee pain. We welcome everyone to the clinic regardless of fitness or activity level, and treat everyone from professional athletes to those with more sedentary lifestyles.

We are based within the Healthwise Therapy Centre in Blackheath, and booking is simple using our online system, allowing you to browse available appointments and select the day and time that is right for you. There are no long waiting times and we can often see you within 24-48 hours. If you have any questions we are always happy to help, don’t hesitate to contact us.


What Our Patients Say About Us

5 stars
Niro Sriskandarajah, Osteopath

Medical Review

The information on this page has been reviewed for accuracy by Nirosan Sriskandarajah MOst, osteopath and clinical director of Sphere Osteopathic Clinic.